Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stella Harding- Exploring Spaces

Today I'm featuring Stella Harding- a brilliant basketmaker from England. She explains that she is "interested in dualities and paradoxes and what happens in the spaces where differences coincide. Sometimes there is chaos and sometimes harmony. Almost always there is an element of unpredictability which invites a creative response. In my practice I use basketry techniques to weave together multiple story lines." I appreciate that Stella is math phobic but finds that her hands can approach concepts that her head may not.

Stella has an incredible website that displays her wall pieces, 3D structures and wearable art. She recommends a visit to the Under Over and Out Show at Covent Gardens in London this month.

Stella offers workshops if you are across the pond and if you are short on airmiles you can look forward to her book which will be published in February 2012.
Stella directed me to the Basketryplus website which will have you agog for a good long while- a perfect spot to visit with a nice cuppa tea.

1 comment:

  1. hi Gera,
    about basketry, do you happen to see the site of Marylin Moore, which is Faboo basketer (not a musketeer)
    Tirza, Israel


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